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 ATV Riding Near Martinsburg, WV

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2 posters

Posts : 5
Join date : 2016-02-28

ATV Riding Near Martinsburg, WV Empty
PostSubject: ATV Riding Near Martinsburg, WV   ATV Riding Near Martinsburg, WV Icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2016 6:53 pm

Hello, most all my friends call me shorty, I am new to the Martinsburg area and I am looking for places to ride my RZR 900 XP. I love riding the Hatfield McCoy system and I am looking for something comparable to that near this area. A few people have told me about some small MX tracks and things of that nature but I am looking for a place to do some distance riding on trails, through the trees, on the mountain side and enjoy the view  the freedom of a nice ride. If anyone can help me it would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
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Location : S/C PA

ATV Riding Near Martinsburg, WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATV Riding Near Martinsburg, WV   ATV Riding Near Martinsburg, WV Icon_minitimeThu Mar 17, 2016 11:12 am

Welcome Shorty Smile

Here's some info on trails in PA

Here's the Michaux State Forest ATV trail map near Chambersburg PA



Snow Shoe Rail Trail in PA connects to the PA State ATV Trail - Bloody Skillet Trail

Check out:

SSRTA - http://ssrt.org/index.html

MAP: http://ssrt.org/img/trail_map.jpg


Bloody Skillet ATV Trail

MAP: http://ssrt.org/img/BloodySkillet.pdf
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ATV Riding Near Martinsburg, WV
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