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 more money for trails never completed

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Posts : 162
Join date : 2010-09-06
Age : 56
Location : Perry Co, Ohio

more money for trails never completed Empty
PostSubject: more money for trails never completed   more money for trails never completed Icon_minitimeFri Oct 31, 2014 6:36 pm

logan daily

Sad thing is deer stand will be fixed before the trails at the bypass or camp ohio will be opened.

Heck nelsonville has a better chance to becoming atv friendly before deerstand is open again.

Your tax dollars in someone elses pocket
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Posts : 534
Join date : 2013-01-08
Age : 56
Location : Ohio - Mud Country

more money for trails never completed Empty
PostSubject: Re: more money for trails never completed   more money for trails never completed Icon_minitimeSun Nov 02, 2014 1:30 am

The article states that once the $$$ is awarded they have 15 months to open it .....
Wonder what the deal is over by Camp Ohio ?
Supposed to officially open "Fall 2013"
Almost $8.3 million for old mans cave / Hocking Hills - Trail improvements , RV sites & cabins there , but that's for the Bird Watchers & leaf peepers  Rolling Eyes
They did do a nice job on our 12 bridges !
Hocking County to recieve $205,000 for Wayne National Forest projects - News - Logan Daily News

Hocking County to recieve $205,000 for Wayne National Forest project
The Wayne National Forest offers over 440 miles of multiple-use trails, which include ATV, off-highway motorcycle (OHM), horse, mountain bike, and hiking trails. Wayne NF was awarded funds for trail maintenance and for an educational project.
By KATHARINE HIBBARD Logan Daily News Reporter khibbard@logandaily.com | Posted 3 days ago

LOGAN – On Oct. 23, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources announced through the Recreational Trails Program (RTP), 16 recreational trails in Ohio have been selected to receive more than $1.68 million in federal funds.

“Investing in the state’s trails gives Ohioans more opportunities to stay active and enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors,” said ODNR Director James Zehringer in a press release. “Easy access to a trail for walking, biking, running or spending time with our pets is an important part of our quality of life in this great state.”

This is separate from the Capital Improvement Plan that recently announced its plans to renovate areas of the Hocking Hills such as Old Man’s Cave and Ash Cave. The total amount committed to complete the Capital Improvement Plan was estimated at $8.3 million.

RTP is a reimbursement grant program that provides funds for up to 80 percent of projects that create new trails or maintain existing ones, and for maintenance of the trail support facilities. It also will provide education about the environment and trail safety, as well as improving access for those with disabilities.

The 2014 RTP awards included a significant amount of funds to be donated to improving Wayne National Forest.

In Hocking County, Wayne National Forest received an award of $5,000 for an educational project. The project calls for the purchase of educational supplies that would provide trail safety brochures and promote responsible recreational trail use. The total cost of the project is $6,250.

Wayne NF also received an award for $200,000 to be put towards reconstruction and the reopening of two miles of the Deer Stand Loop, a stretch of trail has not been maintained in the last decade. The funds will also allow for tread maintenance to be completed on an as-needed basis along 80 miles of the Monday Creek Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) trail system.

“The Wayne NF is grateful to receive RTP grant funding because it helps us leverage other funds, such as annual appropriations, recreation fees, and partner and volunteer contributions, to maintain the trails to standard,” said Gary Chancey, Acting District Ranger for Wayne National Forest.

An additional $150,000 was also awarded to Wayne NF to complete trail maintenance work on 59 miles of motorized trails on the Ironton Ranger District in Lawrence County, which will involve the removal of hazardous trees, and light and heavy tread work.

“The Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) have been excellent partners in helping the Wayne NF maintain and develop its motorized trail system over the past 14 years,” said Chad Wilberger, Recreation Program Manager in response to the awards. “The trails would not be in the great shape that they are if it wasn’t for funding received through the RTP.”

Projects are chosen by RTP each year for funding through an application process, which must be submitted to the ODNR no later than Feb. 1.

Each year, rangers conduct an assessment of the trails in the forest and identify any that need reconstruction or maintenance. After calculating the cost of repairs or construction, the information is then submitted to the ODNR with an application for funds.

After the application is submitted, the projects go through an extensive review process, which includes an unscheduled site visit.

The awards are a reimbursement, meaning that each department must have the capital on hand to complete the project. After completion, invoices are then submitted and funds distributed from the RTP program.

In 2013, Wayne NF received two grants for joint projects between Hocking and Perry County. The first project was to reconnect the southern portion of the 12-mile Dorr Run Loop that was cut off and closed due to construction of the bypass, a $204,000 project for which the counties received $170,000.

The second award was for the Monday Creek OHC Trail System. The proposal was for improvements to the trailheads and replacement of 11 bridges and a causeway, as well as to the construction of an additional three-quarter miles of trail. The total cost of these projects was $739,400, for which the counties received $367,321.44

Once a proposal is submitted and the awards granted, the projects must be completed within 15 months.
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