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 The Mounds ORV Park

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2 posters


Posts : 614
Join date : 2010-08-26
Age : 70
Location : Eastpointe, MI

The Mounds ORV Park Empty
PostSubject: The Mounds ORV Park   The Mounds ORV Park Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2011 8:57 am

We have a county park near Flint that has ORV riding. I've seen a Monte Carlo body on an Army truck chassis. Jeeps and lifted pickups galore. ATVs & SxS. Even seen a couple of mini-bikes! They didn't fare too well. It is mostly short trails that go from one mud hole to the next. You can ride all day and not go 25 miles.

Winches get a work out...if you can find them!
The Mounds ORV Park RyanWaterlogged1

The Mounds ORV Park MonteCarlo1
Here's a video from someone that recently visited there, riding their Rhinos.

I really like riding there in the winter if the ponds are frozen enough to ride on. Fun times doing snow donuts on fresh snow. You can make tracks that look like patterns from a Spirograph (remember those?)
The Mounds ORV Park Coral5

Coral's first time on the ice. You can hear our Collet radios.
The Mounds ORV Park Th_P1310001

The Mounds is also where I got a concussion. Still don't remember that day. Short term memory got toasted for that ride. But I've heard the stories!!!

I'll be back there in February for our annual "Mounds Hog Day" ride!
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Prairie Pounder

Prairie Pounder

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The Mounds ORV Park Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mounds ORV Park   The Mounds ORV Park Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2011 7:34 pm

Look at all that mud!!Very Happy
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