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 Attention Turkey Trotters!

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Posts : 1020
Join date : 2010-07-01
Location : New Bern, NC

Attention Turkey Trotters! Empty
PostSubject: Attention Turkey Trotters!   Attention Turkey Trotters! Icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2011 11:58 am

From what I've read, it seems there may be quite a few folks in the Crumpler area over the Thanksgiving Holiday. Just wanted to let you riders know a few others will be there too! I hope things work out so that we get to spend a bit of handlebar, or for you SXS'ers, seat time together. Yea, it's early but November is next month!

We (not sure who all yet) will be staying at Mountain Top. Arrivals begin Wednesday November 23rd. I hope to see some of you there!

Ride safe,

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Attention Turkey Trotters!
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