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 Carol Hodge's status

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Posts : 100
Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Jamestown, NC

Carol Hodge's status Empty
PostSubject: Carol Hodge's status   Carol Hodge's status Icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2011 6:58 pm

As most of you know Carol, who runs Hilltop, had quadruple by-pass surgery a couple of weeks ago. Below is an update from another forum. The last two week Barbara (Glen's wife) and Jane (Al's wife) ran the restaurant. This week Theresa, a member of my club, helped run the restaurant. It will be staffed next week also. Roger and Carol are well liked to have this many volunteers go to Hilltop to man the restaurant.

"Just talked to Carol. She had another surgery Friday for infection that set up in her leg this past week and delayed her returning home, but she seems pretty sure she will be going home tomorrow. She said to tell everyone hi and she loves everyone!

For those going up next weekend, Shelly will be cooking. She is corporate trainer for olive garden so it pretty safe to say the food will be great. You can leave the poptarts and cereal at home. (Fortunately for all the patrons there this weekend, I did not have to cook, only take orders, assist and wash dishes! Smile"
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Posts : 1392
Join date : 2010-02-18
Age : 55

Carol Hodge's status Empty
PostSubject: Re: Carol Hodge's status   Carol Hodge's status Icon_minitimeMon Aug 15, 2011 8:31 am

Glad she is on the mend. Very nice lady
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