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 First Ride

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G Bob
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Join date : 2010-02-01
Location : Wild and Wonderful

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PostSubject: First Ride   First Ride Icon_minitimeSat May 08, 2010 10:16 pm

Well on Sat 5-1 we took the new Rzr out for a ride. I had plans to get some much needed work done around the ranch. But to my surprise First Ride Icon_eek Joyce wanted to go for a ride. We had planned to go for a short ride then come back and get some of the work done. She was talking with some of our friends and they decided to go along too. So Steve and Sandy took my 2-up and Corey was on there Honda Foreman. We took off for the Park Road to the local Lake. When we got to the lake I told Joyce she could Drive as we were on Gravel roads and no traffic. She took off and within 1/2 mile she said, I like this. First Ride Icon_eek We continued out the park road to the hardtop road. We stopped at another friends house to show him the RZR. I took him on a quick ride back on the hill behind his house. We visited for awhile then it was time to continue on. Steve and Sandy wanted to try out the RZR. So joyce and I were on the 2-up. First Ride Icon_cry We headed for Ricks place to see his Gold RZR that he got about a month ago. After a short visit it was time to go. Corey say's, Can I drive the RZR? Ok so I'am back on the 2-up again. First Ride Icon_sad Steve is on the old rough buckboard honda. Rick said take the trail over the hill. its better than going back the Blacktop. I was not sure how Corey would do on the trail, but he did fine as it was easy. He was not going to do anything crazy as he had his Mom there to keep him under control. First Ride Icon_smile We headed back to the park road with plans to go home. We stopped and switched back to Me driving the RZR again, finally. First Ride Icon_biggrin About a mile later we pass a co-workers house stop and visit some more. He said take it up the hill behind the house. I didn't know the trail so he said follow me.
This is where I get to try the rzr in the rough. With the PS it did good on the cross ditches and the ruts. Plenty of power on the hills and rides good for what we were on. Well roads, pasture fields, gravel roads, some Blacktop and a couple short trails. After about a 8 mile loop we are back at Danny's place. AS we start for the house again I get out to take a couple pics. I look back and Joyce has changed seats on me. First Ride Icon_cry O-well Maybe she will let me drive again some other day. Over all it was a good day of riding and enjoy the company of friends. 38 miles with me only driving about 12 miles. First Ride Icon_rolleyes When we got home we got out the grill and had some great burgers. Everyone said they had a great time riding, Even Joyce said she enjoyed it for a change. First Ride Icon_cheers As allways A good time was had by all.

Pics are here
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Location : MARYLAND

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PostSubject: Re: First Ride   First Ride Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 5:55 am

Sounds like you guys had a good time. First Ride Icon_lol
Jeff I think that you are going to be in the passenger seat a good bit with Joyce behind the wheel. First Ride Icon_cry
I think now you will have a riding buddy. First Ride Icon_cheers
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PostSubject: Re: First Ride   First Ride Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 7:45 am

Good ride report, glad Joyce is enjoying it.
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G Bob

G Bob

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PostSubject: Re: First Ride   First Ride Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 9:02 am

Glad to see you got to take the razr out for a ride. And I guess we can see who the REAL owner and driver is gonna be Smile
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PostSubject: Re: First Ride   First Ride Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 8:25 pm

Sounds like a real good time.
All that visiting AND 38 miles, you guys must talk fast!

I'm sure Joyce is an excellent driver and she just drove for your own sake...
she probably didn't want you to get worn out since you drive all the time...
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Jim and Mary

Jim and Mary

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PostSubject: Re: First Ride   First Ride Icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 8:38 pm

Joyce, we are all so glad that you are having a great time driving the new RZR. You look good behind the steering wheel!!
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PostSubject: Re: First Ride   First Ride Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 7:24 am

Glad you guy's got out to enjoy the weekend... Nice Pictures. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: First Ride   First Ride Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 8:33 pm

Nice pics, and great first ride report!
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PostSubject: Re: First Ride   First Ride Icon_minitimeMon May 10, 2010 9:32 pm

Nice report, sounds like Joyce has been bit by the UTV Bug.
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