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 rumble on the ridge

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Posts : 421
Join date : 2010-09-30
Age : 46
Location : northern ohio

rumble on the ridge Empty
PostSubject: rumble on the ridge   rumble on the ridge Icon_minitimeSun Jan 30, 2011 8:21 pm

Anyone ever been to rumble on the ridge? Is it worth the drive for a day?
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Prairie Pounder

Prairie Pounder

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PostSubject: Re: rumble on the ridge   rumble on the ridge Icon_minitimeMon Jan 31, 2011 1:08 pm

My opinion. NO!!! Laughing I have been there several times. And every time I go, I say never again. Until someone talks me into it again.

The Good~~Great trails. Lots of variety. Plenty of mud. Directional loop. 30+ miles. Good food.

The Bad~~Way too many riders. In the thousands. You may wait in line a couple of hours just to get it. Not kid/timid rider friendly. Too many GNCC think-they-are's that will pass you where there is not room to pass. Too much of your riding is done in idle. There are soo many bikes that it just isn't fun (to me).

The Adena Sportman's Club that run the ROTR rides uses them as a fund raiser. They use the money to purchase more land, equipement etc. I have rode it with club members. It is a fantastic place to ride...
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Posts : 421
Join date : 2010-09-30
Age : 46
Location : northern ohio

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PostSubject: Re: rumble on the ridge   rumble on the ridge Icon_minitimeMon Jan 31, 2011 2:21 pm

thanks for the info. I saw some youtube videos of ROTHR it it looked like people were flying around there.
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Prairie Pounder

Prairie Pounder

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PostSubject: Re: rumble on the ridge   rumble on the ridge Icon_minitimeMon Jan 31, 2011 7:12 pm

I did hear that alcohol is no longer overlooked and that helmet use is encouraged. That would help a lot. It would likely thin the crowd that can't have their fun after the ride, or at least in moderation. Every time I've been there, at least one person gets hauled away.

Another fun place over that way is Hopedale Sportsman club. They too have two to three rides a year. Thanksgiving weekend is the one I went to for several years in a row. Then I discovered QC. Smile It also can be very crowded. They have very good food, especially if you like grilled chicken. It's actually smoked. The club members built their own smoker....ahhhh man...You better like mud too. A lot. Very Happy

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PostSubject: Re: rumble on the ridge   rumble on the ridge Icon_minitime

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