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 got to use the plow today

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got to use the plow today Empty
PostSubject: got to use the plow today   got to use the plow today Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 8:54 pm

works really good. still working on getting the pegs adjusted to the right height. after work tonight I am going to drive it over to my mom and dads to plow thier drive. I will let you know how that goes Ruger since they live by the sports hut. I will take the back roads but will still have to drive 20 from 302 to thier house hopefully no state troopers are out lol!
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got to use the plow today Empty
PostSubject: Re: got to use the plow today   got to use the plow today Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 9:02 pm

Tell them its for farm use. It works around here. The state troopers told me if they see a an atv on the road they typicaly look the other way cause they know there not gonna catch an atv. I wouldnt advise running from police. Wait what does your username mean? Ummmm nevermind obey the laws! Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: got to use the plow today   got to use the plow today Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 9:13 pm

lol I still need to add my red and blue lights on it. I doubt anyone would say anything anyways. Unless your name is Ruger he seems to get harrassed by the local cops lol. The people I see riding quads I dont mess with unless they are being dumb like the kids in the middle of a snow storm doing doughnuts in the middle of main st. in front of Circle K.
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got to use the plow today Empty
PostSubject: Re: got to use the plow today   got to use the plow today Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 9:15 pm

Glad the plow's going good...lots better than a shovel.
Our neighbors have a Rhino and our snowblower beat their plow, hands down, last year...

Gump, I'm sure that you could outrun the cops, even if they were also in a RZR.
You have lead-foot skills...anyway OHIO cops probably would be out of their jurisdiction at your house! got to use the plow today 514437
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got to use the plow today Empty
PostSubject: Re: got to use the plow today   got to use the plow today Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 9:41 pm

Lol. your a cop and said doughnuts hehehe sorry j/k i dont know what circle k is but there is another joke in there some where.
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PostSubject: Re: got to use the plow today   got to use the plow today Icon_minitimeWed Jan 12, 2011 9:54 pm

circle K is gas and conveince store Very Happy
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got to use the plow today Empty
PostSubject: Re: got to use the plow today   got to use the plow today Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 8:46 am

Dixiecop28 wrote:
works really good. still working on getting the pegs adjusted to the right height. after work tonight I am going to drive it over to my mom and dads to plow thier drive. I will let you know how that goes Ruger since they live by the sports hut. I will take the back roads but will still have to drive 20 from 302 to thier house hopefully no state troopers are out lol!

I have made it out that way a couple of times. Went southwest from the res, south of water tower. Down county line road to 302. Then 302 over Rt20. Didn't have any problems.

A trooper did pass me once. Few years ago when we had a big storm I was out riding at night, came up Hamilton to Main. Troop was headed west, he had to see me. Went right down Main and all the way thru town. Didn't see any red and blues, did see 2 snowmobiles though. pirat
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Prairie Pounder

Prairie Pounder

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got to use the plow today Empty
PostSubject: Re: got to use the plow today   got to use the plow today Icon_minitimeThu Jan 13, 2011 9:16 pm

Our experience has been that behaving on your atv will get you extra leniency with the law.

Good observation, Gump. Laughing

got to use the plow today Coppj
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