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 Jamie Lynn Spears 8-year-old daughtear, Mddie, is being treated in a hospital serious injuries from a watery ATV crash,

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Join date : 2010-06-06
Age : 82
Location : Midland, Pa.

Jamie Lynn Spears  8-year-old daughtear, Mddie, is being treated in a hospital serious injuries from a watery ATV crash,  Empty
PostSubject: Jamie Lynn Spears 8-year-old daughtear, Mddie, is being treated in a hospital serious injuries from a watery ATV crash,    Jamie Lynn Spears  8-year-old daughtear, Mddie, is being treated in a hospital serious injuries from a watery ATV crash,  Icon_minitimeTue Feb 07, 2017 12:39 am


Jamie Lynn Spears' 8-year-old daughter, Maddie, is being treated in a hospital for serious injuries from a watery ATV crash that her horrified mother witnessed, the sheriff in Tangipahoa Parish, La., says.  “The ATV and child were instantly submerged in the water right before their eyes.” family members reached the pond, jumped in and tried to free Maddie from her seatbelt and the ATV's safety net. It didn't work. It took another few minutes before the Acadian Ambulance Services arrived and rescued the child from the water, the sheriff's statement said.
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Jamie Lynn Spears 8-year-old daughtear, Mddie, is being treated in a hospital serious injuries from a watery ATV crash,
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