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 Tragic ATV drowning

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Join date : 2010-06-06
Age : 82
Location : Midland, Pa.

Tragic ATV drowning Empty
PostSubject: Tragic ATV drowning   Tragic ATV drowning Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2015 12:34 am

• Tragic ATV drowning Coroner called to Franklin Twp. ATV crash Posted: Friday, November 27, 2015 4:15 pm Staff reports FRANKLIN TWP. -- An all-terrain vehicle driver died in an apparent accident Friday afternoon, after the ATV crashed into an old strip mine pond, authorities said. Robert Wright, 60, of Claysville, died of accidental drowning, Beaver County Deputy Coroner Bill Pasquale said. Pasquale released the identity Saturday after Wright's brother, who lives in Bradford County, was notified. Franklin Township Fire Chief Steve Bailey said a group of ATV riders were driving around wooded property at Bessor Road at 4:08 p.m. near the Zelienople Airport when the accident happened. The driver was strapped to the vehicle and was unable to free himself, Bailey said. He estimated the pond to be at least 4 feet deep. In addition to the Franklin Township Fire Department, Zelienople and Daugherty Township fire departments were called to the scene. The Beaver County Water Rescue Team was dispatched, but not used. This happened in Beaver County, Pa. about 30-40 miles Northwest of Pittsburgh, Pa.  I didn't know these guys

Video http://www.wtae.com/news/police-investigating-deadly-atv-accident/36687406
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Tragic ATV drowning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tragic ATV drowning   Tragic ATV drowning Icon_minitimeThu Dec 10, 2015 7:34 pm

Wow.  I would never have seen that coming.  Not that it really matters, but sounds more like a UTV incident.  He was strapped in?
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Posts : 465
Join date : 2010-06-06
Age : 82
Location : Midland, Pa.

Tragic ATV drowning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tragic ATV drowning   Tragic ATV drowning Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2015 12:06 am


This was copied & pasted from the above link. there also is TV video WTAE Pittsburgh that quotes
Deputy Coroner Bill Pasquale saying a male passenger made it to safety and was taken to a nearby hospital. Pasquale believes Wright got stuck under the ATV in the pond.

video http://www.wtae.com/news/police-investigating-deadly-atv-accident/36687406

Must of been a SxS, but they called it an ATV.
I would guess that the SXS upset over the bank & hit the water on its side or upside down. I have thought about being pinned underwater or in a mud hole by an ATV or SXS. My RZR has the 3 point harness & it really holds you in tight, you have to unbuckle 2 at places, not sure if I like that.

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PostSubject: Re: Tragic ATV drowning   Tragic ATV drowning Icon_minitime

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