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 Rewards Ride

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Join date : 2010-07-01
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PostSubject: Rewards Ride   Rewards Ride Icon_minitimeThu Oct 15, 2015 6:40 am

With a trip to Florida cancelled for unforeseen reasons, I internetted with Marriott and Hampton and went to WV in October for only the second time in my life. Marriott hosted Saturday night in Wytheville. My first stop Sunday AM was the Poco trailhead.

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Thinking I'd have to be back before dark, I rethunk the whole thing and left the trailhead behind, and went on to park at Mountain Top. What the h3ll right? I spoke with Jesse confirmimg current resevations and making future ones, and then departed for Hilltop. I stopped past the gas pump so the Grizzlee could pose for a picture.

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The scenery was awesome.

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While at Hilltop, I met the President of Triadtrailblazers (Tom) and a couple of other folks. Sticking to main trails I took WMG road to 14 or whatever it is and made my way back toward Ashland. Coming in behind the Steps, I notice the signs for the first time. The cable was down at 8 AM (I saw only something on the ground) but up when I came back around around 12.30. The most ominus of signs was the one mentioning nails and glass.

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The EPA sign I took with a grain of salt.

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Since it was after 12, I took a trail break. While just marveling at the scenery, I sceneryed something I reconized. A kind of copper color Avalance pulling 2 SXS's. It was Throttleboss with family! I'll be daumed. As a matter of course I followed them up to the cabins. An invite was extended and hotel stays were cancelled. We took to the creeks like James's to water.

Something has changed. This isn't the way to go anymore. The girls followed me through the creek while Throttleboss directed Tim to take the usual route.

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Sonja came and saved her Man.

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The Steps are closed.

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Join date : 2010-01-30
Location : S/C PA

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PostSubject: Re: Rewards Ride   Rewards Ride Icon_minitimeFri Oct 16, 2015 11:42 am

Looks like you hit the perfect weekend for color.

Thanks for sharing - glad you had a good time !

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Join date : 2010-02-12
Age : 80
Location : S/E Ohio

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PostSubject: Re: Rewards Ride   Rewards Ride Icon_minitimeFri Oct 16, 2015 3:58 pm

Thanks for all the info. Leeeeeeeeeeeee

Good pictures
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PostSubject: Re: Rewards Ride   Rewards Ride Icon_minitime

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