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 RockHouse / Buffalo Mtn

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Posts : 534
Join date : 2013-01-08
Age : 56
Location : Ohio - Mud Country

RockHouse / Buffalo Mtn Empty
PostSubject: RockHouse / Buffalo Mtn   RockHouse / Buffalo Mtn Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 7:50 am

Looks like the RockHouse part of the connector to 52 is oficalLee open

RockHouse / Buffalo Mtn D126166E-3787-4A02-963D-6149DE5BA1C7_zpsacbwlhek

If my fuzzy memory serves me correct
Trail 41 appears to follow a brief portion of old 27 then goes straight west to 44 South of Sara Ann , probably a mile or 2 of pavement riding North on 44 at the crossing to the Hatfield Cemetery

RockHouse / Buffalo Mtn 9890C879-D8D5-4415-9A97-EE46589230AB-38037-00004BA6FB1BC7B8_zps14d72a3a
RockHouse / Buffalo Mtn 2182463A-B72D-4637-BFCC-804E961D6953-38037-00004BA6F04FBB81_zpsfa0f7a18

I believe but don't hold me to this
Trail 42 past trail 41 after leaving 26 I believe has a hillclimb , then is gravel rd that veers north back towards 41 at a pumping station
Wild Horses are also in this area of the pumping station
RockHouse / Buffalo Mtn DFCC0490-93DA-4B4E-8D41-B02FD7F46C04_zpsi47aqfpr

RockHouse / Buffalo Mtn 0C027D1E-242F-4756-B8A4-783DF3CFD74B_zpsaqjlgywy
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