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 RZR Service

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PostSubject: RZR Service   RZR Service Icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2015 3:17 pm

Well I decided to do something different and have the 570 1st service done at the dealer. I decided to change all fluids because of all the water. $256.00 later I'm on the road again, that did include grease for the bushings, and other things lol!

Next service will be in Ed's garage

Four 26-9-12 Big Horns on the way from Rocky Mtn.

Dealer offered me 2/ 26-8-14, 2/ 26-12-14 on rims for $856. but decided to pass at the last minute. I think it was probably a good deal but decided to keep the extra money in my pocket
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PostSubject: Re: RZR Service   RZR Service Icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2015 3:27 pm

Your no stranger to rzr work ... traills open soon!
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PostSubject: Re: RZR Service   RZR Service Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 2:20 am

There was a lot of water, lol
Mikes choice is not Ed's Choice but it's definitely fun .
How did the Maroon paint job hold up ?
I think you were wise to shy away from 14" wheels, they just don't suit where we ride - flats & more rim area to damage. Ride quality is better with more actual tire sidewall on the 12" tires .
Ed's garage is a good place to have a RZR serviced, the owner does have a lot of experience Very Happy
My steering rack stripped internally at the very end of day 3. Lots of play . Interested in the job , lol
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PostSubject: Re: RZR Service   RZR Service Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 7:19 am

Jeff why don't you look for power steering? You will never regret it.

Sides of the RZR are a little scratched I'm sure some will not buff out.

Never heard of one striping out
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PostSubject: Re: RZR Service   RZR Service Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 8:49 am

The power steering is expensive , it sits on top of the steering rack between the rack and the upper steering shaft . It's an add on by Polaris.
If I didn't have to keep replacing other stuff I could have gotten it by now.
When I got the Rzr one rack boot was torn and it had a lot of sand in there . I cleaned it as best I could , packed it with marine grease & installed another boot which I have found has torn again..
The steering wheel always had excessive horizontal play from at least 1-2 bad tooth worn down/stripped in the center. The last couple miles before the cabin it stripped several more teeth .
I had it on my list of things to replace after Mudness . Got 1000 miles out of it knowing it was bad.
I'm down to only a few things on it I haven't removed / changed on this thing
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PostSubject: Re: RZR Service   RZR Service Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 10:30 am

It will be all new before long
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PostSubject: Re: RZR Service   RZR Service Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 7:58 pm

your know your just kiddin your self Jeff, go ahead and get the power steering....

"Im finished replacing all the bad and worn out parts" said no rzr owner EVER!!

We will look back to this thread in december this year, and go over all the punished parts! Cool
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PostSubject: Re: RZR Service   RZR Service Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 8:09 pm

I have a junk pile out back full of them , lol
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PostSubject: Re: RZR Service   RZR Service Icon_minitime

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