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 SSRT Chicken BBQ - July 19th

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Posts : 4055
Join date : 2010-01-30
Location : S/C PA

SSRT Chicken BBQ - July 19th Empty
PostSubject: SSRT Chicken BBQ - July 19th   SSRT Chicken BBQ - July 19th Icon_minitimeThu Jul 10, 2014 8:34 am

12th Annual Best Line Powersports/SSRTA Chicken BBQ

Saturday, July 19th - Meal will be served 11:30am until gone at Gillentown
Trailhead. Meal includes 1/2 chicken, potato & macaroni salad, baked beans, dinner roll, soda or water for only $8.00. Take outs are available. You do not need to be a member of the trail to purchase a meal.

Proceeds from this event will be donated to Snow Shoe Township to be used towards the Kato Bridge Replacement Project.


Hope to see you there!
Angel Tressler
SSRT Director of Communications
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SSRT Chicken BBQ - July 19th
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