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 Here's a story about a guy....

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PostSubject: Here's a story about a guy....   Here's a story about a guy.... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 12, 2010 9:35 pm

I know a guy and I think you do too that thought his Yamacliner was a YamaSub Assault Vehicle. And most of us know how that went down, literally. Here's a story about a guy.... Smiley-sport038

Well another guy had a similar story over on another ATV message board that likes a little "Danger". He too sank his Grizzly.

Come to find out another guy on Grizzly Central Forum deep sixed his ride too.

What do all three have in common besides sinking their rides. Well all 3 have had trouble with their EPS on the Grizzly. There is vent line that runs to EPS. It must take a while to corrode the vital components. So from all 3 instances I know of it was a while after swaping the machines that everyone expierenced EPS problems.

So, the next time I think about going swimming, I'm staying in the shallow end.
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PostSubject: Re: Here's a story about a guy....   Here's a story about a guy.... Icon_minitimeTue Jul 13, 2010 4:33 am

Thanks for the info Ruger! Any idea if the vent line can be extended to keep the water out better?
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PostSubject: Re: Here's a story about a guy....   Here's a story about a guy.... Icon_minitimeTue Jul 13, 2010 6:41 am

I haven't taken a look at mine yet, but I'd guess its one of the vent lines that comes up by the air box. And if that is true you have snorkel everything at that point.
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PostSubject: Re: Here's a story about a guy....   Here's a story about a guy.... Icon_minitimeTue Jul 13, 2010 7:28 am

I think most of those lines are up pretty high. The handle bars?.... well pretty much everything, would have to be under water to get into the vent lines. Only the diffs, clutch, etc. vent lines could be drained out when changing the fluids, maybe the rest could be blown out with air if disconnected at the source? Good information for sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Here's a story about a guy....   Here's a story about a guy.... Icon_minitimeTue Jul 13, 2010 7:29 am

New "Trail Sign"... Coming soon to a trail near you Exclamation

Here's a story about a guy.... Chlorine_shallowEnd
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PostSubject: Re: Here's a story about a guy....   Here's a story about a guy.... Icon_minitime

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