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 2014 SSRT Ride Dates

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2 posters


Posts : 4055
Join date : 2010-01-30
Location : S/C PA

2014 SSRT Ride Dates Empty
PostSubject: 2014 SSRT Ride Dates   2014 SSRT Ride Dates Icon_minitimeFri Oct 11, 2013 10:36 am

SSRTA Upcoming Ride Dates

January 4, 2014
11th Annual Best Line Powersports/SSRTA Winter Dinner Ride
Ride as you please and then return to Moshannon Community Center for a meal that consist of:
Chicken & waffles, ham, mash potatoes, corn & dinner roll, dessert, soda or water. $8.00.
Take outs available. Meals served from 11:30am-3pm

April 26, 2014
Annual Spaghetti Dinner Ride
Ride as you please & return to Moshannon Community Center for a Spaghetti Dinner, dessert, salad, dinner roll, water or soda. $8.00
Take outs available. Meals served from 11:30am-3pm
CMATVA will be holding a Dice Run on the SSRT during this event. See their web site for details.

July 19, 2014
12th Annual Best Line Powersports/SSRTA Chicken BBQ
Ride as you please and return to Gillentown Trailhead around 11:30 for a full chicken meal. $8.00
Take outs available
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Posts : 1020
Join date : 2010-07-01
Location : New Bern, NC

2014 SSRT Ride Dates Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2014 SSRT Ride Dates   2014 SSRT Ride Dates Icon_minitimeMon Feb 24, 2014 1:50 pm

Saw this on Hatfield's forum. Thought you guys might be interested...

Trilby Elizabeth Mayes wrote:

The Snow Shoe Rails to Trails Executives are looking for ANY insurance companies out there that insure a motorized trail by membership only , but is also free to the public for non-motorized usage. We currently have an insurer, but are looking for other options.
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2014 SSRT Ride Dates
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