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 Whiskey Springs & Bloody Skillet Open Sunday

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Posts : 4055
Join date : 2010-01-30
Location : S/C PA

Whiskey Springs & Bloody Skillet Open Sunday Empty
PostSubject: Whiskey Springs & Bloody Skillet Open Sunday   Whiskey Springs & Bloody Skillet Open Sunday Icon_minitimeFri Jan 11, 2013 11:13 am

From SSRT email:

The Whiskey Springs and Bloody Skillet All-Terrain Vehicle Trails in Centre and Clinton counties are slated to open Sunday and close April 1, according to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

The 6.6 mile Bloody Skillet ATV Connector Trail, which connects Snow Shoe Township roads and the Snow Shoe Rails to Trails ATV trail system, will remain closed for the winter riding season.

For more information, call 570-923-6011.
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Whiskey Springs & Bloody Skillet Open Sunday
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