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 adding grease fitting to the rear hubs

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adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Empty
PostSubject: adding grease fitting to the rear hubs   adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Icon_minitimeThu Dec 27, 2012 9:59 pm

As most of us know after doing maintenance on our RZR's and Atv's, the factory left out some much needed grease Zerks on the rear hubs. So I thought I would add some to mine. Since I own an 08 800 2-up and an 2010 RZR they both need some extra grease. I decided to start with the 2 up first. It uses the same rear hub as the RZR. After looking for the best place with access to get to the fitting, I removed the left side first.

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Then removed the old bushings and pins. If you look close you will see a ridge in the middle on the long shaft, that will give you some idea how much it is worn after 2700 miles.
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Then clamped the hub in the vise, using a #3 drill bit drill a hole in the center of the hub. It need to be as close to center as possible as there is very little space between the plastic bushings in the hub.
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Then use a 1/4 x 28 tap and tap the hole for the threads.
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I used a 45 degree fitting in the top to make it easy to get to.
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Then I turned the Hub over and drilled the bottom hole on the other side.
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For this one I used a 90 degree fitting.
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I smeared grease all over the shaft and bushings before installing them. Then reinstalled the hub and torqued the bolts to specs. Then greased the new fittings with "Green Grease".
It took me about 45 minutes to do each side, as I had all the tools I needed close by. I hope this helps someone else that may have the same idea. Very Happy
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adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Empty
PostSubject: Re: adding grease fitting to the rear hubs   adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2012 6:07 am

Good idea.
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adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Empty
PostSubject: Re: adding grease fitting to the rear hubs   adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2012 7:54 am

Thanks Jeff I know it is pretty tight in those spots. Spring time project
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G Bob

G Bob

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adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Empty
PostSubject: Re: adding grease fitting to the rear hubs   adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2012 11:03 am

Dont know why they dont put those on every bushing on an atv. Good job Jeff
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adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Empty
PostSubject: Re: adding grease fitting to the rear hubs   adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Icon_minitimeFri Dec 28, 2012 1:03 pm

G Bob wrote:
Dont know why they dont put those on every bushing on an atv. Good job Jeff

Bob I would say it's so they can sell new bushing and the shafts. As the Polaris parts for the top and bottom on both sides cost, $125. Shocked That does not include the inner a-arm bushings.
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Prairie Pounder

Prairie Pounder

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adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Empty
PostSubject: Re: adding grease fitting to the rear hubs   adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Icon_minitimeThu Jan 03, 2013 7:12 pm

Very nice post. I can remember when Polaris quads were covered in grease zerts.
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PostSubject: Re: adding grease fitting to the rear hubs   adding grease fitting to the rear hubs Icon_minitime

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adding grease fitting to the rear hubs
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