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Posts : 4055
Join date : 2010-01-30
Location : S/C PA

"Good-Ta-Go" Empty
PostSubject: "Good-Ta-Go"   "Good-Ta-Go" Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2012 10:17 pm

"Good-Ta-Go" GTG-Logo


Stop By, Mix a Six, have a draught and a snack, or use our drive-thru for easy take out.
Whatever your reason, we’re happy to serve you!

1640 Orchard Drive
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Phone: (717) 446-0138

We love beer! I mean, we really love beer!!!

Good-Ta-Go, the beer lovers store, was created to serve fans of beer in the Chambersburg and surrounding areas. Our goal is to carry the widest selection of microbrews, imports, and domestics available in the market. We offer over 250 varieties that can be purchased by the bottle (12oz, 22oz & 750ml), our Mix-A-Six option and traditional six packs.

Currently, we have 30 rotating taps consisting of a good mix of domestics and microbrews which can be enjoyed on premise. You can also fill one of our growlers or 1/2 growlers or bring your own in for a fill.

We want our customers to share their preferences with us, as we will constantly be searching for new beer from the US and around the world.


Great new place
"Good-Ta-Go" 05-22-12_1857

Wild Flower Wheat was very good
"Good-Ta-Go" 05-22-12_1859

30 different beers on tap
"Good-Ta-Go" 05-22-12_1910

Domestic / Imports
"Good-Ta-Go" 05-22-12_1902

Micro-brew / Craft
"Good-Ta-Go" 05-22-12_1900

This is a cool place...
Mix-A-Six of anything you want
"Good-Ta-Go" 05-22-12_1901

Indoor Seating
"Good-Ta-Go" 37619_140781762615200_117962488230461_342589_1404625_n

Outdoor Seating
"Good-Ta-Go" 05-22-12_1856

Cheese Platter snack before dinner

"Good-Ta-Go" 05-22-12_1842
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