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 Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12

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G Bob
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G Bob

G Bob

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PostSubject: Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12   Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2012 10:09 am

Since it wont be long till the fishing winds down Dad and I decided to slip over to Smith Mountain Lake for a day of fishing. When we arrived it was beautiful. Big fluffy white clouds and warm weather.

Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 7221409564_dcc28cef8a_z
051512-_046 by gbobbrown, on Flickr

Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 7221408462_6ecd940707_z
051512-_051 by gbobbrown, on Flickr

We made our way down to the dam which is about 8 miles from the dock.

Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 7221407526_f9ff87d088_z
051512-_056 by gbobbrown, on Flickr

We fished for about 1 ½ hours before I noticed the sky getting dark back towards the dock. It wasn’t long before the thunder started to rumble and we started seeing a few flashes of lighting.

Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 7221406282_693f0e94bc_z
051512-_062 by gbobbrown, on Flickr

Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 7221405974_51c3227c73_z
051512-_064 by gbobbrown, on Flickr

I convinced Dad that we ought to start heading back up the lake and it ended up being a smart decision. We just did make it back to the dock when all hell let loose. We had rain, sleet and a terrible lighting storm that went on for over an hour.

Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 7221405714_91f0d2c31b_z
051512-_065 by gbobbrown, on Flickr

After all that we were treated to a nice double rainbow and then a beautiful sunset

Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 7221404688_25ff4edbeb_z
051512-_068 by gbobbrown, on Flickr

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051512-_070 by gbobbrown, on Flickr

Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 7221403536_dca31289a7_z
051512-_073 by gbobbrown, on Flickr

The fishing wasn’t much good after the storm but we got up at the crack of dawn on Wednesday and had a great morning fishing. Caught 16 between us with 4 nice eating size keepers (limit of 2 per person per day) . When we went to load up the boat we discovered that the rain had washed so much sand and gravel into the loading ramp that we couldn’t load the boat. We ended up having to take the boat about two miles up the lake to another loading ramp to get it loaded. All in all another good trip with Dad and looks like we’re heading back again Sunday 
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Location : Wild and Wonderful

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PostSubject: Re: Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12   Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 Icon_minitimeFri May 18, 2012 9:54 pm

Glad you got to fish even with a storm. Enjoy all the time you can with your dad.

Great pictures too. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12   Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 Icon_minitimeSat May 19, 2012 12:14 am

Sounds like a good day. Nice pics.
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PostSubject: Re: Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12   Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 Icon_minitimeMon May 21, 2012 9:43 pm

Nice Pics

Really like the sunset and the reflections on the 3rd dam picture

Thanks for sharing and posting Cool
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Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12   Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 Icon_minitimeTue May 22, 2012 8:58 pm

Looks awesome. Hard to beat a nice lake and a sunset.
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Prairie Pounder

Prairie Pounder

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PostSubject: Re: Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12   Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 05, 2012 12:30 pm

Great pics, G. I was gonna post some pics of my recent fishing trip, but not now. Embarassed Maybe later... Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12   Smith Mountain Lake 5-15-12 Icon_minitime

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