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 Bloody Skillet Work Details

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Posts : 4055
Join date : 2010-01-30
Location : S/C PA

Bloody Skillet Work Details Empty
PostSubject: Bloody Skillet Work Details   Bloody Skillet Work Details Icon_minitimeTue May 09, 2017 9:35 am

***From Larry Mayes***

We will be having work details on the Bloody Skillet on Monday, May 15, Tuesday, May 16 and Wednesday, May 17. We will meet at Gillentown Trailhead at 8am and trailer our vehicles out from there to DeHaas Road, the northern most trailhead for the Bloody Skillet. We will meet DCNR there to discuss work needing done.

Tools needed - atv carts to pull behind your atv/utv, laupers, hand pruners, powers saws, gloves, chains or pull ropes.

The Snow Shoe Rails to Trails will be providing lunch & beverages to volunteers. Please let me know if you will be volunteering and what day or days so I can have correct amount of food.

Thank you, Larry - ssrta1@gmail.com
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